“Drawing the Portrait”

April 28 — May 2
9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day

“Self Portrait” by Tori Cole

In this 5-day workshop, we will work with one model to explore block in, model mapping, form understanding, and rendering. Days 1 and 2 will focus on block in and setting up your drawing for rendering. Day 3 will be all about form and how to start approaching rendering with a sculptural 3D mindset. Days 4 and 5 will be all about rendering and how to achieve the results you want whether you’re working on white paper or toned paper. 

Registration is $ 275.
Payment can be sent via check to our studio at:

GACA, 4814 Washington Blvd, Suite 322, St. Louis, MO. 63108
or you can use Zelle with our email: gacastudio.info@gmail.com

Workshops take place in the GACA’s studio, located in the Pierce Arrow Building,
4814 Washington Blvd, Suite 322, St. Louis, MO. 63108

Self Portrait by Tori Cole

“Self Portrait” by Tori Cole

REGISTRATION for this workshop
For more information on Tori Cole and Luke Griffiths, please visit their websites at:

Tori Cole was raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 2015 she moved to Texas to pursue her art education full time and in the summer 2020 she moved to Brooklyn to attend Grand Central Atelier where she graduated the 4 year program. A passion for art history has led her to draw on a wide range of artists from Johannes Vermeer to Bertha Wegmann, and as far back as the artists of the Northern Renaissance.

Strathmore series 400 drawing paper

  • Canson mi Tientes toned paper (recommended colors: Cream, Flannel Grey, Light Blue)

  • Pencils 2H, H, HB, 2B 

  • White chalk pencil (generals brand is the best we’ve found, but any will do)

  • Kneaded Eraser 

  • Pencil eraser (such as the mono zero eraser, but can be any brand)

  • Drawing stump

  • Bristle brush

  • Sanding pad/sand paper

  • X-acto knife or razor blade (for sharpening pencils, not necessary if using pencil leads)